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AnsellGUARDIAN assessments lead to injury reduction, reduced cost to protect, increased compliance as well as PPE portfolio complexity reduction.
End User identifies workplace injuries, and contacts Würth MRO l Safety l Metalworking Wurth MRO l Safety l Metalworking coordinates facility tour with local Ansell Territory Manager Site Visits Completed at Multiple Locations to conduct a full assessment Product identified as an ANSI A2 Cut glove, the Ansell assessment recommended an ANSI A4. Instead of issuing a new glove daily, the Ansell glove proved to last 3X longer which reduced usage by 60% showing a savings of over $300K. AnsellGuardian was able to show a sizeable cost savings, and a safer workplace environment!

Safety and Compliance

Safety & Compliance

Ansell provides a personalized risk management solution that leads to improved worker safety, injury reduction, and increased regulatory compliance.

Cost Performance

Cost Performance

Ansell advises on business performance improvements that result in lower overall costs to your company



Ansell delvers best-practice recommendations to optimize your PPE dispensing, improve your company's output and eliminate waste, leading to increase overall productivity


Results Oriented

Simple and clear processes focus on the most relevant areas to deliver our best practice recommendations for one single application or even an entire site


Every customer is different, and so are their safety needs. Ansell's 600+ safety experts assess each situation individually, using data provided and a proven process. This results in a unique, tailor-made assessment to meet your objectives.

Sustainable Partnership

Ansell starts the partnership by analyzing, benchmarking, implementing, and improving your PPE related operations and performance. One assessment at a time, they assess your current and future safety needs.


Ansell's safety experts support the full implantation of their assessment with samples and education of workers to ensure the success of PPE change management.

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