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First Responders - Plan ahead to be safe on the scene

Every day, police, fire, and emergency medical personnel come to the aid of others. They respond to individuals, families, businesses, and communities in need and face unpredictable situations to help others. The environments that these workers encounter may be explosive, smoky, dangerous, messy, or violent. It's important that they don't put their safety at risk while performing their duties. Preparing for the scene and having the right equipment and supplies is crucial to their success as they manage these often chaotic events.

If you'd like to learn about the benefits of working with a team that's dedicated to helping you achieve more, contact us by calling:
1-800-568-2764 or CLICK HERE

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On-the-Scene Safety Tips

When you get on the scene, keep these six guidelines in mind.

  • Communicate regularly with both victims and members of your team
  • Maintain awareness of your surroundings
  • Assess the scene as you approach and upon arrival
  • Use your safety equipment
  • Use care when lifting people and heavy objects or equipment
  • Ensure adequate lighting is available

Did You Know?


The rate for multiple traumatic injuries is nearly ten times higher for police personnel than other occupations.


Over 22,000 EMS workers go the ER for work-related injuries each year.


Firefighters face a 9% increase in cancer diagnoses, and a 14% increase in cancer-related deaths compared to the general population in the US.


NIOSH Software Monitors the Health and Safety of Emergency Responders

ERHMS Info Manager™ is a custom-built software product that emergency responder organizations can use to implement the Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS™) framework.

Lithium Batteries At Work

Many workers are wearing small electronic devices powered by lithium batteries as part of their daily routine. These units provide sustained power in a tiny space, providing practical benefits in many applications, including body cam use in law enforcement.

How Cancer Disproportionally Affects Fire Fighters

In 2020, cancer was the second leading cause of death in the United States. Among fire fighters, cancer is the number one cause of death. According to the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), occupational cancer accounts for more than 65% of line-of-duty deaths.

The Dangers Of Slips, Trips, And Falls In Firefighting

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that firefighters experience an estimated 80,000 injuries annually. Furthermore, 12% of all injuries are caused by slipping, and another 10% are caused by falling—making up 22% of all annual firefighter injuries.
Solutions to Help You Lower Costs, Minimize Purchases, Maximize Efficiencies, and Increase Compliance

Technical Services

The Technical Services Department is your source for comprehensive safety solutions. Look to us for equipment rentals, scheduling repairs, and professional maintenance and inspection teams.

Logo-It Custom Express Printing

Full service customization solutions range from screen printing to embroidery to custom sign special orders.

Shoe Express - Safety Shoe & Boot Program

Supply your team with the proper safety shoes without tedious paperwork or shoemobile logistical hassles.
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