A construction project is a multi-faceted operation. It can involve demolition, renovation, or building an entirely new structure from the ground up with any number of tradespeople on site at one time. Whatever the scope, worker safety, budgeting, quality, and material supply chain are crucial. On-the-job accidents and work stoppages take a toll on team morale, expenses, and schedules. To get the job done and stay on schedule, crews can rely on us for tools, PPE, and supply chain optimization solutions.
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Health & Safety Hazards
Extreme Temperatures
Some construction site employees may be exposed to excessive heat and cold, making their jobs more difficult and putting them at risk for illness. High heat and humidity cause dehydration, heat stress, and possibly even heat stroke. Frequent breaks, proper hydration, and air circulation help workers stay well. Cold temperatures can lead to frostbite and hypothermia. Wearing warm gloves and clothing reduces risks.Excavation and Trenching
Workers on construction sites are at risk of injury when excavation equipment is operating on site. They may be clearing land, digging trenches for running pipes and cable, or simply removing debris. It's important to know that trench collapse and cave-ins cause fatalities each year. Benching, sloping, shoring, and shielding practices are common effective systems to prevent accidents.Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)
When workers lift heavy objects, use pneumatic tools, or bend into awkward positions, they are prone to painful MSDs. These conditions include sprains, strains, and other damage to muscles, ligaments, nerves, and tendons. These injuries, and their accompanying costs, can largely be prevented by applying ergonomic principles.Struck By/Caught In/Caught Between Incidents
Construction crews work around heavy, powerful objects and machinery, in which they are exposed to accidents. Hard hats, steel toe footwear, and safety eyewear are among the PPE that help prevent injury.Electrical and other Hazardous Energy
Uncontrolled electrical or hazardous energy can harm workers if machinery isn't operated or maintained correctly. Both operational and lockout/tagout procedures should be followed at all times. Utilizing proper head protection, gloves, and clothing can significantly reduce the likelihood of employee injury should an accident occur.Falls
Construction workers are very often working many stories off the ground. Falls from height remain a main cause of injuries and fatalities on work sites. Preventing falls with guardrails, fencing, toe boards, and personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) save lives every year.Chemical Exposure
Worksites with hazardous gases, vapors, fumes, and mists must use engineering and administrative controls, identification labels, safety data sheets (SDS), and employee training to limit exposure. Gloves, sleeves, coveralls, respirators, and spray socks are examples of helpful personal protective equipment (PPE).Noise
Construction sites are often very noisy. Prolonged exposure to both loud noise and sudden bursts of noise heavily impact hearing. OSHA requires employers to address hazards to hearing. Controlling noise exposure and using ear muffs and plugs prevent hearing loss on jobsites.Sharp Surfaces
Lacerations can come from construction materials, saw blades, and handling rebar. Cut-resistant gloves and sleeves, along with durable clothing like long work pants help prevent exposure to cuts and scrapes.Regulations
Recognizing and controlling hazards is essential in averting injuries and deaths on construction sites. To prevent these incidents and remain compliant, safety programs should be structured according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. A successful program should encompass the hierarchy of controls, training on operational procedures and risks employees might encounter, as well as proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Read below about some of the regulations put in place by OSHA.