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Winter Storms - Heavy Snow, Ice, and Wind Can Bring Havoc

Winter weather can be brutal. The crippling snow, ice, and wind has a major impact on businesses. You can expect slippery walkways, frozen pipes, and parking lots to plow.

We're close to you! In your time of need, we have many locations that offer customer pick-up on in stock products. Visit here to find our closest branch.



Schedule annual snow tire replacement on company vehicles, winterize pipes and windows, and remind workers to properly dress for exposure to cold temperatures.

Stay Alert

Stay ahead of the storm and pay attention to local weather warnings.

Gather Supplies

Gather what you'll need ahead of time as road closures and downed tree limbs could prevent you from driving.



Power Outages

Only use generators outdoors and never place near an open window, as this can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

Road Safety

Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle in case you become stranded.

Cold Weather Illness

Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia and methods to treat both.



Ice & Snow Removal

Practice caution removing snow from roofs and while shoveling heavy snow.

Facility Damage

Check for burst pipes, downed tree limbs, and icy walkways.


Get back to business.


Shop ALL the ways we can help you for the next storm
If your car breaks down or you get a flat tire in cold, snowy weather, you will likely have concerns about how to keep safe.
Each year while performing this task, workers are severely injured or killed. After conducting investigations, OSHA has determined that these injuries were preventable.
After a power outage, your frozen or refrigerated food may not be safe to eat. If food is not taken care of properly when the power goes out, it must be thrown out to avoid making someone sick.
Part of the hassle is that shoveling is hard work. It places stress on your heart, muscles, and joints. Learn how to prevent injuries.
Winter weather is largely to blame for the increased threat of highway and road accidents during the colder months. Workers can be injured during trips to and from a worksite or while carrying out other tasks, so employers should stress the importance of being vigilant on the road.
Keep your team safe from the dangers of cold temperatures with this FREE Toolbox Talk Kit.
Government Emergency Programs
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