7 Easy Ways to Keep Safe at Railroad Crossings

Railroads are vital to the US. Since the 1800s, trains have traveled along these miles of tracks carrying materials and people to their destinations. Tracks go through both cities and rural areas.
Walking near or around railroad tracks pose hazards and must be taken seriously. According to the Federal Railroad Administration, 94% of all rail-related fatalities and injuries occur at railroad crossing or due too trespassing. Nearly all of these incidents are preventable.
- Use caution near railroads and follow these guidelines:
- Trains are wider than the tracks. Stay at least 10’ away from the tracks when waiting for a train to pass.
- Stay alert. Don’t get distracted by phones, music, or conversation, and put your safety at risk.
- Stop, look both ways, and listen for the sound of a train.
- Follow all signs and instructions.
- Cross the tracks only at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings.
- Cross tracks quickly. Never stop or loiter on the tracks.
If crossing on a bike, in a wheelchair, or with a stroller, use extra caution and cross at a 90º angle to prevent wheels from getting stuck on the tracks.