Protective Clothing
Be cautious of chemicals at battery charging stations
Many important workplace tools, such as forklifts, run on electricity and need to be charged periodically. The charging stations that are used for this contain very large chemical batteries that store the electricity that comes from a wall socket....Read Full Article
ActivGARD® DT Standard Disposable Coveralls keep workers clean and safe
You may think wearing disposable coveralls is just a simple way to stay clean, but it's also an effective way to keep you safe. In some applications, such as removing asbestos or lead paint, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)...Read Full Article
Prevent Cold Weather-Related Injuries
It’s already been cold in many parts of the country. Bundling up in hats, coats, and gloves is a smart practice as you head off to work, but what about working in cold temperatures? What are some ways to ward off common winter injuries and...Read Full Article