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Understanding flood warnings

Major floods can cause serious damage, injuries, and death, so when flooding is possible, the National Weather Service issues watches, warnings, and advisories to alert the public. To respond appropriately, workplaces need to understand what these...Read Full Article

Portable fire extinguisher basics

Fires can be dangerous and costly, and a portable fire extinguisher can be an effective tool to help control or put out early-stage fires.Fire extinguishers are classified by the type of fire they will extinguish and include:• Class...Read Full Article

Prepare for tornado season

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) stresses that tornado preparedness for businesses requires a plan that includes a continuous process of gathering equipment and supplies, training workers, and practicing emergency...Read Full Article

It's Cold Out There! Prevent Frostbite and Hypothermia

Cold and windy weather is an important factor in how we work outdoors in the winter months. Exposure to low temperatures is dangerous, and it’s crucial that supervisors ensure that their employees are properly prepared.Each year in the US, there are...Read Full Article

Winter driving is a significant hazard for workers

Winter weather is largely to blame for the increased threat of highway and road accidents during the colder months. Workers can be injured during trips to and from a worksite or while carrying out other tasks, so employers should stress the...Read Full Article

Prepare Your Business with a Disaster Response Plan

With hurricane season here, it’s important that companies are prepared. These storms can cause heavy winds and flooding that impact both the businesses’ infrastructure as well as workers trying to get to work. In the event of a...Read Full Article

Know Your Fire Extinguishers

When used properly, portable fire extinguishers can save lives. Did you know not all fire extinguishers are the alike? There are three ratings for fire extinguishers, and each rating indicates which type of fire the extinguisher should be used...Read Full Article

Watch out for icy, slippery conditions

It’s January, and for a lot of regions in the US, that means tricky weather conditions. A winter storm forecast from Mother Nature can include sleet, wind, snow, and ice. Ice is great for a hockey game, but presents some problems...Read Full Article

After an Earthquake

Earthquakes can happen at any time and have the potential to damage homes, schools, bridges, and buildings. They can disrupt vital gas, electric, and phone service and even trigger landslides and fires. As workers undergo efforts to restore services...Read Full Article

Hurricane Preparedness

The peak of Atlantic Hurricane Season is August to October. Damaging winds, heavy rainfall, and power outages may occur. What can you do to prepare? Know your hurricane risk: even if you don’t live in a coastal state, rain and wind could...Read Full Article

Forest Fire Prevention

Forests are a national treasure. They provide homes to wildlife, trails for hikers to explore, along with oxygen for us to breathe. When a forest fire occurs, people, businesses, animals, and residences are in danger along with acres of trees....Read Full Article

What to Do if Stranded in a Vehicle During the Winter

If your car breaks down or you get a flat tire in cold, snowy weather, you'll likely have concerns about how to keep safe.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has some guidance.If you’re stranded in a vehicle, stay in the vehicle....Read Full Article

Fire Safety and Prevention – Make it a Priority at Work

Preventing injuries and destruction that result from workplace fires must be a priority for you, your employer, and your colleagues. Having a fire prevention policy in place, along with choosing the right equipment to prevent and fight fires are...Read Full Article

Know How to Stay Safe in Harsh Winter Weather

Winter storms can produce a pretty snowy landscape, but also present potential hazards. Those caught in harsh weather may contend with car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, and carbon monoxide poisoning from the extreme cold, freezing rain, snow,...Read Full Article

Keep Your Food Safe During Power Outages

After a power outage, your frozen or refrigerated food may not be safe to eat. If food is not taken care of properly when the power goes out, it must be thrown out to avoid making someone sick. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...Read Full Article

Put an Evacuation Plan in Place

Would your employees know what to do if an evacuation was ordered at your workplace? Any emergency requiring an evacuation will be upsetting and anxiety-inducing for people. If a clear plan isn’t in place, leaving the building will be...Read Full Article

Planning Ahead for Hurricane Season

The Atlantic Hurricane Season takes place traditionally from June to November. Damaging winds, heavy rainfall, and power outages may occur. What can you do to prepare your business? Know your hurricane risk: even if you don’t live in a...Read Full Article

Hurricane Season Preparation Guidelines in Multiple Languages

The unpredictable Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1. It’s important for people who live in susceptible regions to develop an emergency plan for the events before, during, and after a hurricane.Where do you find the guidance you need in...Read Full Article

Recovery and Clean-Up After a Flood

Rain is an essential part of growing crops, trees, and grass, but too much of it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Elevated water levels can be very destructive to land and property, and unfortunately, the effects can be long-lasting.Floods are...Read Full Article

Steps for Tornado Recovery

The National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) reports that around 1,200 tornados strike the US annually. Most tornados form out of severe thunderstorms or hurricanes and have winds that can exceed 300 miles per hour. While the average tornado itself...Read Full Article

The Importance of Layering Clothing in Cold Environments

Proper layering helps you make the most of your cold weather clothing and prevents dangerous exposure. By helping maintain your core body heat, this strategy is great for not only cold weather months, but also working indoors without heat or in a...Read Full Article

Evacuate Safely When Disaster Strikes

Hot summer weather is responsible for an increase in natural disasters, from dry conditions sparking forest fires to warmer seas making hurricanes more likely. Every disaster is different, so having a plan and knowing when to evacuate are crucial...Read Full Article

Celebrate National Preparedness Month This September

Unless you live in an area with a recurring or recent history of disaster, you might not think about the possibility often. But severe weather and earthquakes can happen anywhere, even in regions where those conditions aren’t typical. Preparing for...Read Full Article

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